5 Tips to Winterize Your Home

October 4, 2017 9:38 am Published by

Fall has just begun, but let’s be honest, we live in Saskatchewan, so that means winter is right around the corner.
You know what you need to prepare yourself for the cold weather, but what about preparing your home?
These five tips and tricks will help prevent any unfortunate winter mishaps and get your home winter ready!

1) Have Your Furnace Professionally Serviced
– A routine maintenance check each fall will help ensure your furnace will run properly during the winter months.

2) Inspect Windows and Doors for Leaks
– Checking and replace if needed, the weather-stripping around the windows and door frames will help prevent heat loss.

3) Inspect the Roof/Clean out the Gutters
– Inspect your roof for any loose, damaged or missing shingles.
– While you are up on the roof, make sure your gutters are free of leaves, dirt and sticks. Make sure the downspouts are extended at least five feet from your house, to prevent potential water damage.

4) Turn Off Outside Faucets
– Undrained water can freeze and may cause pipes to burst.

5) Trim Bushes and Trees
– Trimming overgrown bushes and trees away from your house and electrical wires, will decrease your risk of property damage and power problems.

It doesn’t take long to winterize your home, especially if it helps to prevent damages. While you are out prepping your home, it might also be worthwhile to pick up anything you’re missing or will need for the winter, including salt, shovels, or maybe even a snow blower! Because who wants to leave in -40 to go grab these?

Happy Winterizing!

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This post was written by teamcore