4 Essential Tips for Simplifying Your Space

November 29, 2017 3:10 pm Published by


We recently had a cleaning bee here at the CORE Real Estate Inc office.  And by “we”, we mean our Broker/Owner, Corey Werner, was on a mission.  A decluttering, clean it up, simplifying the space kind of mission.  We know it’s important for our buyers to see a home for what is and to be able to visualize themselves in it and a lot can be said for a home without mounds and mounds of stuff.  We also know that with the holidays approaching, NOW is the time to make room for all those decorations.  So without further ado, we have made a list of just 4 essential (and easy) tips to start you in the right direction.

1. Garbage = Trash or Recycling 

Let’s start with the obvious.  Is it garbage?  Let’s say you find a pair of scissors you misplaced.  Well, yay!  You don’t have to buy new ones.  Put them somewhere you will remember.  Now, you stumble across a giant piece of cardboard you had planned to use for a project with the kids, 6 months ago…  Time to let that go.  Trust us, when the time finally comes for that project, you will find the cardboard you need.

2. Stash the Seasonal

Buy the bins.  Put the summer/spring things in the bins during the fall/winter and put the winter/fall things in the bins during the spring/summer.

3. Practical and Pretty

Do you LOVE it?  Are you USING it?  If you said NO to both these questions, then it is time to say Bye bye.  Sell, donate, recycle, or trash.  It IS that easy.

4. Everything in its Place

Finally, everything should have a home.  If each item has a place it belongs then it’s more likely to find its way back there when you are finished with it.  It also makes you think twice about bringing more things into the house.

We hope this helps and you aren’t completely overwhelmed at the prospect of decluttering.  Trust us, it is worth it.  Do you have any tips for simplifying your space?  We would love to hear them!

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This post was written by teamcore